The base

Your private database and more

All your locations one click away

All your library stored, secure, and organized in the cloud so you can access them anytime from any device.
Classify all the information about your locations in a unique and private space: map, contacts, documents, permits or scout date.
Take advantage of Scoutters' AI to generate tags for your images and instantly search your database.

The tool

The tool that makes your work easier and faster.

Create and manage your projects professionally and directly from SCOUTTERS without duplicating space, while choosing at any moment the information you want to grant access to. Share them with your team quickly and easily with just one click.

The Hub

A meeting point for location scouts, agencies, property owners, production companies, and film commissions to create synergies, digitize location databases, and enhance departmental processes from the project's inception to its execution.



Scoutter Free

1 Total Users

3 Total Locations

You are an owner looking for visibility

Scoutter Basic

1 Total Users

1000 Total Locations

500 AI Credits / month

Access to Public Locations

Access to Create Projects

You work on locations

Scoutter Pro

1 Total Users

3000 Total Locations

1000 AI Credits / month

Access to Public Locations

Access to Create Projects

You are a locations manager

Explore the best plan for you. Upgrade as you grow. Try it all for free.


The Standard

3 Total Users

1000 Total Locations

1000 AI Credits / month

Access to Public Locations

Access to Create Projects

You are a small production company or film office

The Pro

5 Total Users

2000 Total Locations

2000 AI Credits / month

Access to Public Locations

Access to Create Projects

You are a medium-sized production company or film commission

The Premium

10 Total Users

5000 Total Locations

2000 AI Credits / month

Access to Public Locations

Access to Create Projects

You are a big production company, film commission or agency

14 days

Free trial

2 free months

with your Annual plan

Initial upload for free

With your annual plan


We are scoutters

Scout and Film Team

Team member

Rubén Souto

Location Manager
Team member

Jesús Moreno

Location Manager
Team member

Jose Díaz

Location Manager
Team member

Marta Martín

Location Manager
Team member

Pablo Fernández



Contact with Scoutters

I have read and accept the Privacy Policy*

Activity subsidized by the Ministry of Culture

Ministerio de Cultura